Api - solvers Namespace
a: IPathCircle
First circle.
b: IPathCircle
Second circle.
Default value inner: boolean = false
Boolean to use inner tangents instead of outer tangents.
Returns number[]
Array of angles in degrees where 2 lines between the circles will be tangent to both circles.
Solves for the altitude of an equilateral triangle when you know its side length.
sideLength: number
Length of a side of the equilateral triangle (all 3 sides are equal).
Returns number
Altitude of the equilateral triangle.
Solves for the side length of an equilateral triangle when you know its altitude.
altitude: number
Altitude of the equilateral triangle.
Returns number
Length of the side of the equilateral triangle (all 3 sides are equal).
Solves for the length of a side of a triangle when you know length of one side and 2 angles.
oppositeAngleInDegrees: number
Angle which is opposite of the side you are trying to find.
lengthOfSideBetweenAngles: number
Length of one side of the triangle which is between the provided angles.
otherAngleInDegrees: number
An other angle of the triangle.
Returns number
Length of the side of the triangle which is opposite of the first angle parameter.
Solves for the angle of a triangle when you know lengths of 3 sides.
lengthA: number
Length of side of triangle, opposite of the angle you are trying to find.
lengthB: number
Length of any other side of the triangle.
lengthC: number
Length of the remaining side of the triangle.
Returns number
Angle opposite of the side represented by the first parameter.
Generated using TypeDoc
Solves for the angles of the tangent lines between 2 circles.