Api - IJscadScriptOptions Interface
- IJscadScriptOptions
Optional accuracy
Optional exemplar of number of decimal places.
Optional byLayers
Flag to separate chains by layers.
Optional extrude
Optional depth of 3D extrusion.
Optional functionName
Optional override of function name, default is "main".
Optional indent
Optional number of spaces to indent.
Optional layerOptions
SVG options per layer.
Type declaration
[layerId: string]: IJscadExtrudeOptions
Optional maxArcFacet
The maximum length between points on an arc or circle.
Optional pointMatchingDistance
Max distance to consider two points as the same.
Optional statusCallback
Optional callback to get status during the export.
Optional units
Optional unit system to embed in exported file, if the export format allows alternate unit systems.
Optional z
Optional depth of 3D extrusion.
Generated using TypeDoc
Jscad Script export options.